"Winter Is Coming" Originated in Minnesota

The expression "Winter is coming" was the motto for Minnesota long before everyone else became familiar with the saying from Game of Thrones.

In the land of fire and ice (aka Minnesota) winter is an extreme season. The cold can suck the breath right out of your lungs while it freezes your nostrils shut and crystals of ice form along your eyelashes. Winter accessories are not optional. Hats, scarves, and gloves are a necessity on the coldest  days of the season. Minnesotans also coined the phrase "as long as you dress for the season it's not too bad." Not too bad. Minnesotans also use a lot of understatement.

I moved to Texas a few months ago, as already noted. A cousin (who had not grown up in Minnesota with me) asked how I was dealing with the Texas heat. Since it's only May summer has not arrived in Texas, of course, so I was a bit puzzled as the temperatures have been pleasant in the mid 80's and a few days in the 90's. Very nice. Ah, she knows about Minnesota's cold but she did not realize that Minnesota also has hot.

In the winter it gets extremely cold but in the summer it gets extremely hot. Hitting the 90's is common and most often than not we have at least one or two days of the summer over 100 degrees Fahrenheit. On those days when the sun is beating down and the sweat is running down your back you relish the heat because everyone knows, summer is short and Winter Is Coming.

Winter Is Coming is not always a warning to some Minnesotans. There are many who look forward to the cold. There are a lot of outdoor activities that cannot be done without some ice, snow, and cold temperatures. Up North we can enjoy a nice fire in the fireplace on a cold winter's day. Quilters love the North. Winter has a long run but then gives way to spring (sort of) and then summer (definitely). But Winter Is Coming is always on a Minnesotan's mind spring, summer, and fall.


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