The Greatest Generation

They called them the Greatest Generation.

Raising the flag at Iwo Jimo

We have Millenials, Generation X, and Baby Boomers. Then we have the Greatest Generation. I'll bet you know who I am talking about; the men and women who dealt with World War II head on.

They joined the army, the navy, and the air force to fight against the evil spreading across Europe before it could reach the shores of the United States of America. They stayed home while their husbands, boyfriends, sons, and daughters went off to the Pacific or Europe. They yearned to join the war effort but their aging bones did not allow them to join the military forces fighting with the allies so they manned the home security, to do their part during the world's greatest threat.

They were the Greatest Generation. Men and women piloted planes, men marched across distant battlefields, women were medics, nurses, and doctors on foreign lands. Women went into factories and picked up tools to do the jobs that needed to be done. Men were shipped all over the globe and picked up arms to do the job that needed to be done.

We call them the Greatest Generation because they were strong. They did what needed to be done. They stepped up and made sacrifices for the greater good. They were resilient, tough, and determined. Times were tough but they were tougher. They were the Greatest Generation.

The Nazis were destroying Europe. They packed Jewish people, young or old, man or woman, into cattle cars on trains and shipped them to concentration camps. In those concentration camps they were starved, experimented on, forced into slave labor, trapped in unspeakable living conditions, and also marched into gas chambers and killed for being Jewish. While they were stripping Jewish people of their freedom they also stole valuables from those people condemned to the horrors that occurred in the concentration camps.

In addition to the atrocities inflicted on the Jewish people, "feeble minded" people were being killed. Anyone who did not agree with the Nazi regime faced the threat of being locked away and/or even executed for something as horrible as refusing to salute and say "Seich Heil!" In the archives there is an account of a woman who's neighbors turned her into the Gestapo because she refused to say "Heil Hitler" because, as she said to the neighbor who later reported her, "what a bunch of nonsense" so they concluded she must be gay and she was arrested and executed.

Millions of people were killed. Some of it was because of hate. Some of it was because of apathy. Some of it was because of greed. Some of it was because of a cruel intent. There were multiple reasons. They were all evil reasons. The atrocities are mind numbing. The men and women of the Greatest Generation heard the call and they responded.

Coventry bombed.

Now our president is unwilling to condemn the rise of neo-Nazis in the U.S. He thinks many of them are actually great guys. The neo-Nazis are even worse than the original Nazis because they are TRYING to emulate one of the worse groups of people in our history. They relish the hate. They are filled with the hate. They hate people for being different. Trump supporters find themselves in the position of defending neo-Nazis in their attempt to defend Trump. There is no defense of Nazis or neo-Nazis. A true patriot of the United States of America would never defend Nazis, that same evil that pulled us into a global war to stop its spread. That same evil that the Greatest Generation made so many sacrifices to end.

Holding captured Nazi flag as trophy of war.

We call them the Greatest Generation because they were strong, determined, and committed with our allies to saving the world from the evil that grew out of the Nazi movement in Germany. Now we have a country with a growing segment of the population willing to turn a blind eye to the idea of neo-Nazis in America because our president thinks they're fine, some nice guys in there. No. If a man or woman is marching with a torch in their hand chanting death to Jews, there's no nice guy in there.

We have to remember the Greatest Generation and what they stood for. We will stand up and not let evil rule our country.


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