Physical Book vs Ebook Isn't Really a Contest
There has been a lot of change in our lives due to technology. Technology is now a part of everyday life, almost every minute life.
So which is better? The physical book or the ebook on the ereader (or actually many devices)?
I like them both. I used to travel a lot for my job and it was sort of a pain to drag along multiple books for long flights, especially to Europe or India. Eight hours on a plane can mean easily finishing an average sized book before landing. Then there's the flight back. So either drag along multiple books or try to find a book in the European city in English or pay premium for a book at the airport.
Along comes the ereader. The ereader is the traveler's best friend. You can load up several books at once or just buy/borrow from Kindle Select as you want and it's slim and portable and handy.
Then there's the physical book, which we all still love. There's no denying that holding that book and turning the pages holds a special place in our sentimental side, in addition to the practical, don't have to worry about the battery running down if it takes a week or longer to get back to the book. In a world of cords, chargers, USB port availability for charging, there is a benefit to have a physical book.
The most important thing is--read. Read a lot. Read a variety of genres. Read fiction Read non-fiction. But read. I think that we are turning into a visual society. If it isn't video it isn't real, even though entertainment videos aren't "real" either. Reading makes our minds work. We have to imagine the way the hill covered in wildflowers dips before reaching the horizon. Imagining that image works those brain muscles. The words interact with our brain differently than a movie or video. Our brains can kind of shut down while watching a movie or tv show because it's all spread out before us without us having to create the images ourselves. Sure, sometimes after a long day at work we want to vegetate in front of the tv. Just keep in mind that the brain is a muscle and reading is a good way to stretch that muscle and keep it limber.
So read!
Enjoy the physical book or grab your ereader to read on the go. Enjoy both physical and ebooks.
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