The Greatest Generation
They called them the Greatest Generation. Raising the flag at Iwo Jimo We have Millenials, Generation X, and Baby Boomers. Then we have the Greatest Generation. I'll bet you know who I am talking about; the men and women who dealt with World War II head on. They joined the army, the navy, and the air force to fight against the evil spreading across Europe before it could reach the shores of the United States of America. They stayed home while their husbands, boyfriends, sons, and daughters went off to the Pacific or Europe. They yearned to join the war effort but their aging bones did not allow them to join the military forces fighting with the allies so they manned the home security, to do their part during the world's greatest threat. They were the Greatest Generation. Men and women piloted planes, men marched across distant battlefields, women were medics, nurses, and doctors on foreign lands. Women went into factories and picked up tools to do the jobs that n...